Tuesday, February 15, 2011


It is so easy to let an issue effect you and cause you to live scared. You become so consume with the issue that it begins to change you. Its like its eating at you. Everyone around you notices the change and wants to help but cant. But when you have the overcoming moment. The moment when you realize that you will never forget what happen and will always use it as a learning lesson. But you will no longer let it control your life. That your ready to get back to you. You want to go back to who you love the most yourself. So this is my overcoming moment. I will never be imprisoned by my mind and all its what ifs. If it was meant to be it would have happened. So its no reason for me to trip off of it. I'm letting go and moving on. It wont be always easy but what is.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Hypocrisy of Valentine's Day

I wanted to write this blog 13 days ago but couldn't find the correct words for my emotions. Let this be said now; I DONT have a male Valentine but I have always had my DADDY as my Valentine. This blog is going to be hitting on my true emotions about this holiday and how females let one day effect them for almost a month.

Like stated earlier I don't have a Valentine. Dwell on that; I'm not depressed, hateful of others with one, going out of my way to get one, nor do I feel as though I need one to feel more of a woman. I have noticed since February 1st that females are sad that they don't have a male to buy them things and take them out to eat on Valentine's Day. They have become obsessive with statuses and tweets concerning this issue. Throughout the month I have not seen a status that has stated "I want a man to love me the other 364 days out of the year not just on one day." I don't understand how a female can become so consume with the idea of being complete because you have have a male to take you out. In my opinion I don't need a man to buy me a bear, candy, or take me out to eat. Now I'm not a feminist or anything like that I just feel that females put too much of their happiness and power into a man. All the things that a woman wants on Valentine's Day she can provide for herself. (It's nice to recive them from men, but is that all you really want?)

Why not ask for a man to accept you for who you are and is willing to love you and your flaws? Why not want a man that can bring a smile to your face everyday without having a material possession? Why not want a man that understands you mentally, physically, and emotionally? Why not want a man that loves his mother and every other woman of importance in his life and decides to treat you with the same respect? Why not have a man that doesn't need a holiday to dictate if you deserve to be treated like a QUEEN?

Woman degrade their worth everyday by making men believe that the only way to make them happy is providing them with a bear, candy, and a meal at Red Lobster once out of the year. I'm not overly emotional about this holiday because I have someone that has shown me how a woman is supposed to be treated by a man; my Daddy. It is true that a father molds what a daughter expects in a man. I believe my views on men are based on what my father has instilled within me. I cant except anything less than my father in any man. I want a man like my father on Valentine's Day and every other day. That man is a God fearing man, a man that loves his mother and respects her, a man that knows that he is the man of the house and isn't afraid to lead or follow, a man that puts his family needs before himself, a man that would do and give anything to make sure the people around him aren't without, and last but not least a man that understands that LOVE is all that a woman needs because material possessions are only temporary happiness.

If you don't have a man on Valentine's Day don't sit in your room or home depressed posting statuses and tweets about why this holiday sucks. Instead go out with you girl friends and focus on if you would just want a man on Valentine's Day or one for everyday of the year.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friends or Enemies

I haven't blogged my true emotions in a while. But over the last couple of the days some things have taken place that have forever changed my life. I'm not going to go in detail of every aspect but one event has taught me the importance of selecting friends and learning who is really for me.

I have never been a violent or hateful person. I see the best in everyone and ignorantly believe that no one wants to hurt me or be my enemy. This doesn't mean that I believe that everyone likes me or wants to be my friend. This just means that I wasn't raised to keep my guard up and believe that everyone is after me. Life has taught me the importance of having my guard up and there are only a selective few that are really down for me.

On Thursday, I learned that everyone wears a mask to disguise who they are and how they truly feel. By doing this, the people around you are forced to believe what really isn't. The saying that "People smile in your face" is so true. People can easily act like they like you and all the while they are hating and waiting for you to step at them the wrong way. These are the people you have to worry about. Because they are worst than angry people or your enemies, they are people the premeditate every argument, fight, and every act in life that includes you.

After, Thursday's event all I want to do is be by myself. To be honest I feel like I cant trust anyone around me. Because after a life threatening event like the one that took place on Thursday, it makes you re-evaluate your life. My mom told me something so simple today but hit home; Friends are people that you consider family or closer than family and everyone else are people you simply associate with. We have all heard this before and call people associates without little thought. But the crazy part is all of us have someone in our close circle that can be considered as an associate but call them a friend because of our other friendships. To be honest I can count on my hand who I feel are really for me. I know for a fact that people around me don't like me but never once did I feel that someone in my circle had so much hate built up towards me.

So this entry may be all over the place but the main point is to know who is for you and who your true friends are. Because it is so easy to mistake the disguised one's around you.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Let's GO Crazy

I love this song by Prince and Janelle Monae killed it.

New Music

Qoute of the Day

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.-Marianne Williamson

Monday, February 7, 2011

Black History Spot Light

Angela Davis, radical black activist and philosopher, was arrested as a suspected conspirator in the abortive attempt to free George Jackson from a courtroom in Marin County, California, August 7, 1970. The guns used were registered in her name. Angela Davis was eventually acquitted of all charges, but was briefly on the FBI's most-wanted list as she fled from arrest.
Angela Davis is often associated with the Black Panthers and with the black power politics of the late 1960s and early 1970s. She joined the Communist Party when Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968. She was active with SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) before the Black Panthers. Angela Davis ran for U.S. Vice President on the Communist Party ticket in 1980.
Angela Davis has been an activist and writer promoting women's rights and racial justice while pursuing her career as a philosopher and teacher at the University of Santa Cruz and San Francisco University -- she achieved tenure at the University of California at Santa Cruz though former governer Ronald Reagan swore she would never teach again in the University of California system. She studied with political philosopher Herbert Marcuse. She has published on race, class, and gender.


I read this a few weeks ago when it was first posted. But today it home. So Im posting this for my sister/my heart. A lot of times females especially Black females mistake their curves as a curse but I feel this post does a great job of acknowledging that they are blessings. If your skinny or full figured remember that your BEAUTIFUL :) The blog was posted by Angela Simmons

Dear Princesses,
           I wanted to take this time to talk to you guys about loving your body.I want you to know that its ok to have curves. Its ok to not be thin. I for a long period of time struggled with my weight and I wasn't happy. But being skinny doesn't always have to be the answer.  I decided one day that being curvy was ok. And i learned to love myself. I personally thought I was fat as a child because I was curvier than the rest of my friends.  I even at one point when I was younger thought of going the wrong way and throwing up my food. That wasn't the right way to go.  As time passed I realized that I just had a more developed body than my friends. Girls, its ok to have curves. You don't need to be thin. And if your are naturally thin thats beautiful too. As time passed I realized that being healthy was the way to be. So I made some changes. I started eating healthier and exercising. Working out helped me to tone up and feel better about myself. Girls please take care of yourself. Love your body. Don't let anyone tell you that your too fat or too skinny! As long as you know your doing the right things to your body than no one can tell you NOTHING. Embrace who you are. Be who you are. Let your beauty shine from inside. Be kind to others. Hang around positive people. Stay away from negative people.
Love you guys

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hate That You Love Me

Love It :)

Knowledge or Money

I saw this video and it made me think am I in college for the knowledge or the money. Just like Omar Epps I'm in college because in America its the next step towards success. I like learning but if I could make the same amount as lawyers without a college education would I even be here? I'm not knocking any choice money or knowledge, I just know mines. I was once told that if you can do something and love it without getting paid that's what you need to do. But in today's time money is a number one priority in everything I and many others do. It may be wrong but I know the career I have chosen makes money but it isn't the main reason I want to be a lawyer. Ask yourself are you in it ("it" being whatever you desire) for the money or the knowledge.

Super Bowl National Anthem

Whitney Houston
Beyonce' Knowles

Black History at HBCU's

I attend one of the greatest HBCU's in my eyes; Elizabeth City State University. I love my university dearly and know my success will come from attending an university as such. But I have noticed over the past five days that BLACK HISTORY isn't mentioned in any of my classes. I am an English major and all of my classes right now are based on European literature. However, I take one American Literature course and were discussing Mark Twain. My professor is African American and the class is 90 percent African American. So why wouldn't we discuss some of the great or unmentioned American authors and poets. I know there are many out there beside Hughes, Neal-Hurston, Angelou, or Morrison.

The point I'm trying to make is, that since I was in elementary school Black History Month has gone unnoticed. We go through out the month never acknowledging our history. And when I say our I don't mean just African Americans. It annoys me when I hear my friends and others say we have the shortest month in the year, but we still do nothing with it. Each day has 24 hours and you have 1440 minutes to make an impact. I think everyone including myself should take the next 22 days to acknowledge African Americans that have made an impact in the world and lets research the ones that aren't mentioned. They're usually the radical ones. :)

Vogue Italia's All Black

All "BLACK" girl editoral by Emma Summerton.

People Evaluation

So I haven't blogged in a while because I didnt think I had much to talk about. But then I realized after one of last night events that I need to blog everyday to keep a cool head.

Yesterday, I was out with a couple of friends and a few people I just deal with because of others. I have always known that my patience for people and whining is extremely low. I feel like if something is bothering you long enough you will do something about it. But the issue yesterday was a beyond desperate girl always being depressed about a man that is no longer hers. For the past month me and my best friend have been listening to her SAME issues and last night was my LIMIT.

After last night I made a promise to myself to never continue to deal with people I don't like. It only brings more stress and I eventually hurting their feelings because I have a smart mouth. So in the future I will only surround myself with positive people.

Lets always remember that anyone can talk about something but only a selective few people can change something.